What is Deshna ?
Deshna is a type of religious speech in the Ardha Magadhi Language. As per Jainism after a Tirthankar gains infinite knowledge ( keval Gyan ), they gives out speeches in a place called Samosarana, where all creatures are welcomed (including non-human creatures, humans, and angels) and those speeched are understood by everyone in their own languages.
Is this a another "Jain" website ?
Well.. Yes and No. We are definitely a Jain site but with a different focus and mission. Most of the Jain sites available on the internet do provide information about the Jain temples and Jain communities but little focus on providing Jain literature in today's context. Our focus is not only to preserve and extend the reach of existing Jain literature and Jainism but also to provide insight into the relevance of Jainism in today's world. Towards that goal one of the few things we are working towards is getting Jain Shastra digitalized.
How can I Contribute ?
Your comments and suggestion on how can we improve this effort will be the biggest contribution. Also if you have some literature that you would like us to put on our website please feel free to forward it to us.
Additionally we will be adding details of Organizations and Charitable Trusts who are in need of funds so that you can contribute to them directly.
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Sandeep Jain ([email protected])
Rishabh Vihar, Karkardooma, Delhi-110092, India.